Remy Newcombe, Ph.D.

Remy Newcombe, Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience in technology, consulting, small business, and patent drafting and prosecution. Dr. Newcombe has worked domestically and internationally as a geophysicist, taught graduate-level environmental engineering courses, started her own company, and managed multi-million gallon per day projects in the water treatment industry. Her Civil Engineering doctoral dissertation was completed in arsenic removal from drinking water, and she is an inventor of several patented water treatment technologies. She was Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Blue Water Technologies, Inc., growing the company from startup to over $3M in annual revenue and $12M in capital raised.
Dr. Newcombe has experience in both licensing technology for implementation abroad, and bringing foreign technology to market in the U.S. In 2009 she received the Eddy Wastewater Principles/Processes Medal, the Water Environment Federation’s Excellence Award for published research that makes a vital contribution to the fundamental principles or processes of wastewater treatment.
Dr. Newcombe serves as an Advisory Board Member for the College of Engineering at the University of Idaho, helping the College navigate intellectual property issues with external collaborators, draft a Diversity Plan, and develop recruiting and retention programs.